Why my dashboard Light is not working on my motorcycle

Why my dashboard Light is not working on my motorcycle

Hi guys, today we will be discussing some common reasons why your dashboard light is not working and how to fix it, ever noticed this at night and you are trying to figure out why your dashboard light is not working even after turning on your headlight, here are some few things to check for and the step by step to do it.

Check the switch

If you are sure and you’ve checked the wire and found out that there is no cut you should check the headlight switch which supplies current to the brown wire, check it with your test lamp and if the headlight switch does not supply current to the brown wire then you should replace the headlight switch.

Check if there is a Cut Somewhere in the Wire:

The wire responsible for this is the brown wire, it gives both the dashboard and the backlight current when the headlight is turned on. Sometimes there may be a cut in the neck area of the motorcycle as there are joints of wires there that carries current to the backlight and even the dashboard light, To fix this add and join the wires together for it to be long and to make it not to cut again.

The bulb: if the switch is working fine and it supplies current to the blown wire then you should check the dashboard bulb, while this might seem difficult, it is advisable to lose the dashboard carefully so that you will not end up spoiling something else on the dashboard. lose the dashboard carefully and replace the faulty bulb.


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An auto electrician for over 4 year on motorcycle, decided to share my knowledge online to help those that will find it useful.
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