What is Making My Motorcycle to jerk and what I should do as a technician

What is Making My Motorcycle to jerk and what I should do as a technician

Hi guys, am here again today to share another knowledge about another solution to your motorcycle. prehard you are experiencing that your motorcycle is not moving well or that it is jerking when you are driving it or it seems the motorcycle is using force to move, here are some possible solutions to avoid jerking on your motorcycle.

Check The Carburetor

This is a well-known common knowledge and very easy to check, there is a star nut at the downside of the carburetor trying to lose it, sometimes it might be that there is dirt in the carburetor or even maybe the carburetor is exposed to water. try to lose the star screw then wait for some time for the water or dirt to come out then tighten it again.

Check for Plug:

This is very popular and easy to check, when your motorcycle starts jerking the first thing that comes to your mind is to change the plug, this is one of the basic things you should know even if you are not a motorcycle repairer

Check the CDI

the CDI is located under the tank and is responsible for supplying current to the chassis coil and then to the plug which makes the motorcycle start and move fluently if you notice that the motorcycle is jerking, and you are sure that the carburetor and the plug are okay then you should consider changing the CDI especially if it has a shortage of current supply to the plug.


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An automobile electrician for over 4 year on motorcycle, decided to share my knowledge online to help those that will find it useful.
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