What To Do When  My Motorcycle Break light is Always On

What To Do When My Motorcycle Break light is Always On

Thanks for visiting my blog, where we share amazing solutions for your motorcycle, particularly for Denstar motorcycles, in today’s post we are going to be talking about some common reasons why your brake light is always on and what is the possible solution for it.

Faulty Brake Light Switch

This is one of the common reasons why your brake light is always on, from my personal experience as an automobile electrician on motorcycle, over 90 percent of the time faulty brake light switch is the reason why the brake light is always on. In other to get rid of the issue you have to change the break light switch.

Noteā€¦on a motorcycle, there are two brake light switches particularly on Denstar motorcycles, one for the hand brake and the other for the leg brake, please ensure that you check the two properly to make sure that you are dealing with the right one.

Faulty Lamp holder

The backlight of a motorcycle has two sides that supply current. These are represented by brown wire which is your normal backlight when you put on your headlight or packing light, while the other one is green and yellow wire which is for break light only. Sometimes when the lamp holder is faulty, especially when both wires are melted together the brake light will turn on even without matching the brake.

mind you in the case before the break light will turn on on its own the headlight has to be switched on or the packing light. in other to stop the brake light from always turning on check the brown, yellow & green wires if they are joined or melted together, if there are not then change the lamp holder and fix it.

Brown wire: backlight

yellow and green wire: brake light wire


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An automobile electrician for over 4 year on motorcycle, decided to share my knowledge online to help those that will find it useful.
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