My Trafficator Suddenly Stop Working, How To Fix It

My Trafficator Suddenly Stop Working, How To Fix It

Hi, guys, today we are going to be talking about some possible solutions to your motorcycle when your traffigator stops working. The trafficator light is very important in the vehicle, it is used to indicate the direction of your next movement to avoid an accident. Here are some ways to fix your trafficators.

Check The Trafficator Switch

This is what is used to turn on or off the trafficators, when the trafficator switch is faulty, the trafficator light will not function. Try servicing or cleaning the switch and if it does work then you should replace the switch. To be sure that the trafficator switch is working check the milk colure wire that is connected to the switch to be sure that it supplies current to the switch.

Check The Trafficator Wire If it is Disconnected

Before checking the wire you need to be sure of the particular wire, the wire that controls the motorcycle trafficator is blue, orange, and green wire. The blue wire supplies current to the right side of the trafficator while the orange wire sends current to the left side of the trafficator and the green wire is negative for both sides of the trafficator. The green wire is the negative current as a hole for the full motorcycle system. Most times the wire gets disconnected in the joint area and is located in the neck area of the motorcycle, as a result of this sometimes the back trafficker will not work, carefully check and join them back together.

Check The Bulb Or Lamp holder

This should be the first thing you should check before checking any other thing as it is easy to check and most times it might be the bulb, lose the trafficator carefully check if the bulb is dead in other to do so check it with another lamp holder that you are sure that is working well or you can look through the bulb to see if there is a cult in the tiny wire within the bulb. and if there is any cut, replace the bulb

for the lamp holder check if the negative wire (green wire) is still attached to the lamp holder or check the wire that supplies current which is the wire that comes from the center of the lamp holder if it’s supply current to the lamp holder and its welled position.


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An automobile electrician for over 4 year on motorcycle, decided to share my knowledge online to help those that will find it useful.
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