I married a single mother and am regretting it because i cant talk to her child what should I do


Another true life story from my inbox, please read and drop your advised.

I married a single mother, and I'm beginning to regret it. I met my wife at her friend's wedding. She told me she was a mother of two children, and showed me her two children who were at the wedding, a 13 year old and a 16 year old girl. I told her I have a child although my daughter and her mother were outside the country, we hit it up, and we soon started dating. A year into our relationship, we got married. Things were good while we were dating, her kids were respectful to me, and we all had a cordial relationship although not as close as I'd liked it. 

They moved in with me after the wedding. Now here's a background on how she gave birth to her kids. Their biological father and mother were in a relationship since secondary school, and they had a daughter while she was in the university, and the son after she graduated, they broke up due to some reason, and just to call parent their kids, our problem started with the fact that their father is too involved in their life. He attends every open day competition event, etc, that requires his presence, admiring my wife in that moment, it meant that I decided to stand up and be a father to those children, but they wouldn't let me. I told my wife to ask him to cut down on his involvement in their life since I was now in the picture, but she told me not to worry. Coupled with the fact that they refused to call me dad. They refer to me as sir or Mr, I have told my wife severally to ask them to refer to me as dad, but they refused to do despite the fact that they live under my roof, they look to their father for validation for everything. 

If he says, Go, they will go. And if he says, Don't go, they won't go. Even if I have contrary opinion, this had had a tone on me, as I feel I have no control over my own home. I have no control over my family. My story comes to a headway when her daughter lost her phone recently, which was iPhone eight, plus I promised to change the phone for her next day, and I came home with an iPhone 11 pro max for her, only to meet her holding an iPhone 11, she said her father got it for her and dropped it off that evening, while I was at work, I showed her the one that I got for her, but she said she would rather stick to the one her father got for her. 

She hugged and thanked me and told me she appreciated me for getting her the phone. I called my wife and asked her why she allowed him to get a phone for her, why I had already told her I was going to replace the phone the previous night, my wife told me it wasn't a big deal and thanked me for buying the phone anyways, she told me I could return the phone or we could give it to anyone we knew in need of a phone. I lost it at that moment, and although I could have handled things better, I lashed out, yelled at them. In summary, I told them, if their daddy was so important and perfect and they didn't need me, why don't they go and live with Him and stay away from my house. My stepdaughter burst into tears and ran upstairs.

 She came back with a bag and left for her dad's heart. Her mom tried stopping her, but she refused and got into her boat ride and left for the house. She refused to come home, and my wife has tried everything. Her father said he wasn't going to force her to come back except she changes her mind. My wife had been giving me attitude for the past few weeks, and she blamed me for everything, please. How can I fix this? My stepdaughter is a very quiet child, and I feel bad for hurting her the way I did. Guys, what do you think about the story? Let me know.

Well, I don't not see anything wrong with this, you just have to let biological father of the children be in the picture of the children life.
